Monday, December 29, 2008


Another year is coming to an end. It is time to make our New Year resolutions. However, looking back, what happened to our last year resolutions? Whatever it is or whatever they are, you should be seeing some results when you have start working on it. Otherwise move on.

Students asked me how long it takes to study Bazi and Feng Shui. I replied that as long as it takes to learn. The fact is that there is no full stop to learning. The question should be how long it takes to read Bazi and Feng Shui. Reading is a technique and the answer is almost immediate. Theories are no ending and it is very vague. Once you know the technique of applications, the theories will fall in place.

I am in fact talking about fundamentals. If the fundamentals are sound, you will find the application techniques very easy. It is meant to be simple and easy to apply. However, most concentrate on theories which are formula based. That is why after years of studying, you are still stuck in your Bazi reading and Feng Shui auditing. The worst scenario is not knowing where to start.

If you are stuck after years of studying, it is time to move on. That should be one of your New Year resolutions.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Art of Divination

When Francis put up my course schedule for 2009, I received not one but a few queries asking the same question: ‘Will I be teaching San Yuan Da Gua?’ Amazingly there ain’t such thing as San Yuan Da Gua but only Xuan Kong Da Gua or San Yuan 64 Guas. Perhaps that is a new term coined. The former is a date selection art while the latter is a water placement art. Xuan Kong was never a Feng Shui art but a fusion divination skill from San Yuan and Mei Hua Yi Shu. Both have their origin in Yi-Jing but not Chou Yi.

Yi-Jing and Chou Yi are two different sets of application. The former predicts the latter advised. Yi-Jing is a prediction of natural occurrences while Chou Yi is an holistic set of advices on what actions one is expected given a certain condition or event.

Another misconception is that Mei Hua Yi Shu is not about converting Early Heaven Gua into Later Heaven Gua to do a reading as commonly taught. It is about the relationship between the numerals and Gua interpretations. It is about converting numerals to Gua and vice versa to ascertain the Early Heaven and Later Heaven relationship.

Well, let us face it. This is the sad state of our once wonderful art of Chinese Metaphysic.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happiness and Sufferings

Many pursue happiness but what they need to know is that happiness is already in them. They just need to exercise it. Greed, jealousy and desire are the main obstacles. Happiness is not a destination or a goal. It is about doing good and avoiding evil. Be ambitious but not at the expense of someone or harming someone in the process. Aggressively promoting yourself is fine. We call that marketing. But to promote oneself by plagiarising others’ intellectual rights is not something to be proud of even if no one is aware of that.

I find it a little disturbing when one talks about the preparation they did for the future lives. Don’t live for the future. Live in the present. That is why it is pre-sent. You reap what you sow; the sowing is now. The cause you are doing now. The ‘reaping’ will take care of itself.

One thing I know for sure is that God cannot be the creator of sufferings to test us, as claimed by many, nor a place for sinner called hell of eternal burning. That should not be god, but another sloth like us. Suffering is a manifestation of what we do wrong or not being happy with what we were given. This is commonly called karma or kamma, the manifestation of cause and effect in this present life.

Even in Buddhism, the cause is living this life well, the effectiveness of future lives depend on it. The art lies in contentment.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have been away from the blog for a while. Beside work, I am spending a lot of time on understanding the philosophy of Buddhism. Amazingly, Buddha never said ‘worship me’. It is unlikely also that He created a place like Hell or suffering. It is all about cause and effect.

A genuine Buddhist should never badmouth someone on the pretext of warning others in order to put him on a higher pedestal. The cause and effect will deal with it in due time. To badmouth is a cause for which effect will follow.

To exercise gratefulness to the hands that feed you is one of the greatest virtues. To bite the hand that feeds you and turn around to pretend not knowing that person is morally sinful and unbecoming as a person.

They call these political games but I think it is just an excuse for their weaknesses. It is much easier to push blame than to look truthfully the reflection on the mirror of their heart.

I am guilty of that along the way. I am glad true Buddhism opens my heart to the understanding.